P016 → TO WANDER  

To Wander is a project envisions the creation of two twin houses within a plot defined by a pre-established urban framework. Central to the conceptual approach are the site's topographical constraints and its dialogue with the surrounding environment. Equally important is the architectural complexity inherent in designing twin houses—structures that, while mirrored and outwardly similar, coalesce into a singular form. This duality, where each house is distinct yet part of an integrated whole, presents both an opportunity and a challenge.

The design strives to develop a cohesive volumetric expression, drawing from traditional house elements as key motifs: a continuous roofline, clustered chimneys, and a rhythmic sequence of openings that occasionally break from symmetry, embracing variations to achieve a sense of spatial freedom. From a distance, the composition reads as a singular mass, while closer proximity reveals the nuanced duality of the interwoven programs.

The silhouette of the volume subtly references local vernacular architecture, particularly in the pronounced chimneys, while also calling to mind the iconic forms of the Vanna Venturi House by Venturi Scott Brown. This interplay between regional vernacular and modernist experimentation underpins the project’s exploration of form, scale, and architectural meaning.

Location: Valongo do Vouga, Portugal
Programme: Dwelling
Surface: 450m2
Status: In progress
Client: Emblema SA
Images: Studio Punkt