to discover

is a campus where the buildings are like islands, forming

together an archipelago.

the project interprets the site as a vegetal carpet on which a set

of figuresgives shape to the variety of uses of the school

campus.a new spatial order takes place in the manner of a

green village.

the central courtyard is the point of convergence of the

buildings, new and old, between which the vegetation grows.

each of the figures has its own spatial identity and expressive

variation in order to create a community of different

atmospheres,capable of enriching the pupils' days.

this formulation takes as a reference the Green Archipelago of

Oswald  Mathias Ungers in Berlin, who imagined a city invaded

by vegetation, in which  existing emblematic artefacts are

combined with new constructions.

on the other hand, the project appeals to one of the urbanistic

qualities of the Renanese fabric of individual villas and plots

- the spatial fluidity of the void and vegetation between the

buildings. this condition suggests visual pathways and clearings

through the site that open the school to the neighbourhood,

ensuring use outside of school hours and a sense of belonging

to the neighbourhood.

in this ensemble, some pre-existing structures are clarified and

others are demolished. the monumental old school stands as a

large public front towards the Verdeaux sports park, behind

which  smaller-scale pavilions are grouped. a new volume

containing the classrooms embraces one of the most important

trees with its distributive gallery. the extracurricular activities

are pronounced towards the main arrival of the site with a

volumetric gesture. the extension of the existing library is an

opportunity to reconfigure the built silhouette and to propose

a reading space open to nature.

location: Renens, Switzerland

year: 2022

programme: school

status: competition

surface : 12’000m2

client: Renens City Council

with: cabinet