P019 → TO SIT

To Sit presents a collection of chairs and benches that complement a series of project interventions in a forest. Each piece assumes the alter ego of a specific bird, whose nature subtly transforms the original object. These birds of paradise permanently inhabit the natural reserve, while humans find only temporary shelter within these interventions.

The chosen birds are exotic, much like the non-local visitors who, hailing from distant lands, now find in this setting a new home. Their figurative nature calls to mind the totems sculpted by the Indigenous peoples of North America. Just as those Indigenous structures, these objects can be seen as protectors of the forest—ever-present, ever-watchful.

One might imagine that this symbolic character deepens the connection between the natural environment and human intervention, creating a dichotomy where the objects transcend their functional purpose to embody a more profound, symbolic role.

The purchase of the objects will be open to public upon request. If you are interested in one of the itens please contact us.

Petrei - Green Bench
Erithacus - Black Chair
Ararauna -  Blue Chair 
Autumnatis - Green Chair 

Location: Castelo de Vide, Portugal
Programme: Furniture
Status: In progress
Client: Private