to explore

is a school that is a boat, or a boat that is a school. Based on

this imaginary, and inspired by the boats of the Belle Époque on

Lake Neuchâtel, the project proposes a compact volume, where

the classrooms are distributed along an interior street. The

school includes a kindergarten on the ground floor and the rest

of the programme develops vertically, ending in a contemplative

terrace where the after-school area is located.

The main entrance, in relation to the playground area, is a

loggia which, by its scale, allows for part of the outdoor life of

the students.

One can imagine that one day the school will descend the hill

and 'return' to the waters of the lake of Neuchatel

location: Hauterive, Switzerland

year: 2021

programme: school

status: competition

surface : 3’200m2

client: Hauterive City Council

with: méderic gilgen & benoît jacques