is an architecture studio founded by Rui Filipe Pinto.

The developed projects, of different natures, try to establish

relationships with nature, the context and with the history of

art and architecture.

S T U D I O L O   develops works of different scales, from

renovation to urban scale. The projects are divided, so far,

between Switzerland and  Portugal, working with private

clients and institutions, being also stronly active in

architectural competitions.

Parallel to the work in the studio, Rui Filipe Pinto has a strong

connection to academia, having taught at the EPF Lausanne

between 2015 and 2020, and currently at ETH Zürich.

In 2023 he was a guest Professor at La Salle, Barcelona.

He’s currently a guest assistant Professor at the Dep. of

Architecture of FCTUC in Coimbra

He was also regular presence at the Porto Academy between

2016 and 2022.

rui filipe pinto

studied architecture in FCT University of

Coimbra and in the ETSA Madrid.

in 2013, he graduated with a Diploma

investigation titled: Meaning and Emotion:

through the work of Sigurd Lewerentz.

He worked several years for Bakker & Blanc in

Lausanne and for Conen Sigl in Zürich.

between 2015 and 2020 he taught at the EPFL,

first with Marco Bakker & Alexandre Blanc and

second with Maria Conen and Raoul Sigl.

Since 2020 he teaches at the ETHZ with

Maria Conen.

In parallel, he’s part of the Porto Academy

Summer School where he co-teaches every year

with different architects since 2016.

In 2021 S T U D I O L O  appears naturally as

the place where he can develop his projects

and research between Portugal, Switzerland

and the World.

He’s currently a guest professor at La Salle,

Barcelona and Dep. of Architecture in Coimbra
